Bond Proposition

We helped develop strategy, create a logo, generate messaging, and produce a website and presentation collateral to promote community dialogue around our current and future health care needs. The campaign was launched during an April 2012 press event with speakers including Senator Kirk Watson, Doug Ulman of Livestrong, and Rosie Mendoza of Central Health.

The Healthy ATX campaign was designed to raise awareness about health needs in Travis County prior to, and eventually concurrent with, political calls to action for a November ballot measure to fund health services in Central Texas. This allowed community needs to be highlighted in advance of offering a solution that the public could act on at the polls. Healthy ATX provided information to the public about the needs, opportunities, and challenges of health care in Central Texas and the potential benefits of addressing those needs with a new medical school and teaching hospital.



Public Education
Stakeholder Outreach
Public Involvement
Issues Management
Media Relations


Coordinated with a grassroots network of stakeholder organizations, including:

Seton Family of Hospitals, St. David’s Hospital & Foundation, Central Health, YMCA, Livestrong, Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce, Travis County Medical Society, Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Asian Network, Hispanic Advocates Business Leaders of Austin (HABLA), University of Texas System, University of Texas at Austin, Texas Exes, Hermanos de East Austin, and Black Professionals of Austin.